By Henry Bendik
August 8, 2019
Yup that’s me. In the middle there on my momma’s lap. I had a happy family, food in my belly and was motoring around since I learned to run before learning to walk. Reality however was a little different. Times were hard for my parents. The food stamps we were allotted as a family didn’t get us much, especially when you went to the store and all you saw were empty shelves. The beginning of my food journey was quite minimal. Most of the traditional Polish recipes require the most basic ingredients. Most often we ate things like potatoes with buttermilk, pierogies, soft boiled eggs, goulash. My family was lucky to have connections to extended family who lived on farms and occasionally gave us goose, chicken and fresh eggs and milk. There was a lot of political unrest and although my parents worked to provide for us, eventually they made the decision to leave Poland.